Words from the Community
"I just wanted to thank you once again for the lovely items you picked out for me. I absolutely love the plate set! It matches my taste and my kitchen perfectly. I've attached a picture of the sign I have above my stove so you can see what I mean. Now I might have to come back for that matching pitcher. LOL All the items have definitely made a huge difference. Even my meal choices changed because I have the right cookware now! I am very grateful for the your help. All the best." -client "Honestly, during these hard times anything provided will make our house feel like a home. We left with just the clothes on our backs so having normal everyday household items feels like a grand achievement. Thank you so much for your kindness." - a domestic violence survivor, client "Thank You so much for the supplies that you guys have given me. I am grateful for the stuff that you have given me and may god bless u." -returning client
"I cannot imagine settling patients into housing without the help of Welcome Home."
- Case Worker, Boston MA "The patient I referred to you is newly housed for the first time in many, many years. To be able to provide him with both essential items as well as decorative elements really meant a lot to him. As we all know, a happy, housed patient is more likely to engage in medical care which leads to improved health outcomes. Your services are, to my mind, a health intervention and are as crucial as food or utilities as they lead to an improved quality of life…Thank goodness for your staff and the remarkable service you provide." - Case Worker, Boston MA I just wanted to pass along a lovely compliment shared via one of my Newton Food Pantry home delivery clients . She absolutely LOVES being able to browse the table at City Hall when she comes for her groceries and is so grateful that the items are all so nice and in such good condition. She cooks and bakes a lot for her four children and 12 grandchildren and sends them home with food and treats often...and rarely gets her plates and pans back! Thank you so much for making such an enormous effort each week to come to the food pantry and offer the home goods. It is greatly appreciated. - Martha, Newton Food Pantry Organizer "The patients you've helped with so far have been completely engaged with their primary care! They take their meds and make all scheduled appointments, and of course continue to engage with me, their care coordinator/ community health worker. It has been such a tremendous blessing that Welcome Home helped them in their time of need!" -Case Worker "Just wanted to let you know that my client was thrilled with all the wonderful and useful items that she received from you the other day! As she said: Todo bien! The process was so fast & easy, appreciated that as well. Appreciate your help." -Case Worker, Boston MA "Enclosed please find a donation to support the outstanding work of Welcome Home. Day by day your organization acts on behalf of newly arrived immigrant families and other persons in need, and this level of generosity with your time and effort is rare, indeed. Many decades ago, my family and I came to America as immigrants, so I know the burdens of dislocation and relocation. Now I am pleased to have the chance, through you, to help other families arriving to our great land. Our country needs these people and always will. The work of everyone at Welcome Home to gather, sort, stack, organize and distribute the basic things to establish and safe and comfortable home for those who they may only barely know is remarkable, and irreplaceable. Thank you, thank you, and thanks again. I am very grateful for the opportunity to support your work." - Fall Fundraiser Donor 2021 Hi Team, I just wanted to say thanks again for the great package/box on Friday! I am really excited to bring it to my client tomorrow morning, and it was also lovely for my teen daughter to get to see so many people working together for a great cause. I really appreciate all you do for our families and how much you understand the value of a home that “feels like home”. Best, -Case Worker, Waltham MA "Our clients express deep gratitude, acknowledging that their house didn't feel like a home until they received home goods from Welcome Home. Those contributions made all the difference!" or "As a case manager for folks experiencing homelessness, it's heartening to know organizations like Welcome Home exist" or "A selfless and faith-filled man was overwhelmed to tears as I dropped off his Welcome Home donations" or "Thanks to Welcome Home, a man who lived in shelters for over a decade now invites his grandson over with pride on weekends and holidays, knowing he'll feel right at home in a warm and welcoming space." "I just wanted to send you a great big THANK YOU for all the help you and the Welcome Home team have provided! My patient was thrilled with all of the purple items she had received, as well as all of the kitchen supplies that allow her to start using her kitchen to its full potential! I, alongside all of my colleagues would like to say thank you and express our appreciation." - Case Worker, Boston MA "Thank you so much, Julia to you and the awesome women that I’ve met when picking up items for patients. Our patients have been overjoyed with their items and are so thankful." - Case Worker, Boston MA "I want to thank you for your help. Thank you very much, this is very surprising, in our country (Ukraine) such assistance is not provided. I turned to you for help back in November 2022 and we have already managed to buy many things, so we gave some of the things that you gave for our family to refugees from Ukraine who recently arrived in the United States and need a lot of things. Thank you very much from us and from our new friends who, thanks to you, have the necessary things 🌹"